Trainings & Programs

We offer a wide range of various sports and recreational programs, events and activities. We desire to coach, teach and mentor the next generation of kids and help them achieve their greatest potential as they in turn become the future leaders and adults of our society who will be responsible for continuing to make our world a better place to live in with every day that passes.

Skill development

3v3 Youth Basketball League

8-week basketball league

Our leagues are 8-weeks long and focus on teaching the fundamentals of the game of basketball and giving an opportunity for players to put into application what they have learned during practice. The 3v3 format allows for players to touch the ball more often than they normally would in a regular game format.

Winter '23 3v3 Youth Basketball League

8-week program starting Monday, February 6th and ending on Thursday, March 30th

Coaches take time at the end of each practice and game to huddle up and talk about various life lessons that sports can teach us and help build our character in the process.

Each week players will have 1 hour of practice and 1 hour of gameplay for a total of 16 hours of combined instruction and play for the duration of the league.

2nd & 3rd Grade / 5:30-6:30 pm

Monday (Practices)
Wednesday (Games)

4th & 5th Grade / 7:00-8:00 pm

Monday (Practices)
Wednesday (Games)

6th to 8th Grade / 7:00-8:00 pm

Tuesday (Practices)
Thursday (Games)

*Times and days may be subject to change based on the number of players registrations

Little Dribblers

8-week Introductory basketball program

This introductory basketball program is for kids in Kindergarten and 1st grade level who are just beginning and discovering the game of basketball. We put a large emphasis on teaching them the fundamental skills and allow for limited game play towards the end of the program as we prepare them for the next level which includes more game play.


Winter '23 Little Dribblers Program

8-week program starting Saturday, February 11th and ending on Saturday, April 1st

Kindergarten & 1st Grade / Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am

60 minutes classes all skills & drills


Athletes Arena

8-week Training and development program

These 60 minute classes put a large emphasis on training and development as we focus on several drills to sharpen the players skills specific to the sport that is being offered.

Winter '23
Athletes Arena

8-week program starting Saturday, February 11th and ending on Saturday, April 1st

Please note that parents will be permitted in the gymnasium and the school facilities during the time of the program. Spectators may also attend considering they are accompanied by one of the parents.

Classes take place on Saturdays, please see Calendar for additional info.

Cost & Package options:

  • 30$ → Drop-in class
  • 100$ → Monthly pass (4 classes)
  • 160$ → 2-month pass (8 classes)

2nd & 3rd Grade

Saturdays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am

4th to 5th Grade

Saturdays from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm

6th to 8th Grade

Saturdays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Ditch & Dine Movie Night

Date night for parents

This monthly event is an opportunity for parents to drop off their kids for a couple hours and go on a date night while our staff organize and oversee various fun games and activities for the participants in the first half and then watch a movie in the second half. Participants will have the choice of two movies (one aimed for younger kids and one intended for older kids).

Winter '23 Ditch & Dine Movie Night

Event takes place every last Friday of the month from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

Games in the first 90 minutes, movie in the second 90 minutes. Ages 5 to 15. Please see the Calendar for additional info.

Friday, January 27th

Younger : Space Jam
Older : Glory Road

Friday, February 24th

Younger : The Mighty Ducks
Older : Miracle

Friday, March 31rst

Younger : Inside Out
Older : Onward

*Popcorn and one drink will be provided for every participant. The Sweet Snack Shack will be open too if kids want to purchase additional treats. Registration and payment can be done below and will also be available onsite (the night of).

Cost & Package options:

  • 20$ → 1 kid
  • 30$ → 2 kids from the same family
  • 40$ → 3+ kids from the same family